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Just Car Sick?
November 30, 2013, 10:59 AM- Q: My puppy got car sick on our 40 minute ride home. She is a yorkie. We have given her the pepto and then chicken baby food with Karo syrup mixed in---a total of 6 ml. She then threw up again and we started the cycle with pepto again. She threw up again about 10 minutes after the pepto so we have not started the food cycle yet. She is also having many liquid stools. Along with the food cycle, we added about 1 cc of water. What next? I am worried about her.
- A: I need a little more info you can reply to this email. How much does she weigh, how much pepto, how much time between pepto and food what is her general attitude? If she has a good attitude and is willing to play you can continue to try to handle this at home. Let her wake up on her own and do not give anything oral for 30 mins then give her 1 cc baby food 1cc karo syrup and 1cc water mixed together. Wait about 40 mins and if no vomiting repeat. Let me know where you stand after that.