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First Groom
April 8, 2020, 10:47 AM- Q: My puppy is 5 1/2 months old and he gets car sick. I was told by the vet to give him a whole 12.5 children;s Benadryl an hour before I took him to get groomed. He threw up on the way there and the way home. Anyway he looks great after his haircut bath and nail trimmings but has been a different dog since he came home yesterday. He seems traumatized since he has come home. The groomer told me he was so sweet and they had no problems with him he seem tired is all they told me. My puppy is afraid of people he doesnt know and other dogs he is not really around them so I am thinking the car sickness the benadryl the entire groomer process and the people and pets are why he is traumatized but I just pray he goes back to the same sweet puppy he was.
- A: If your groomer is honest about how the puppy reacted then once he is back in the ususally routine foe a few days things should be fine. Benadryl is not an effective way of calming most puppies in that situation.