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Must not respond
June 4, 2020, 4:45 PM- Q: Our puppy is 9 weeks old and his first night with us last night, he was in his palace all night long. His food and water and lovey toy were in with him. He cried out about 3-4 different times, every 2 hours about. We did not go get him, even though that was HARD! Assuming he’ll do this again tonight, should we ever go to him or just let him cry knowing he’s just getting used to being alone? He did pee a few times while in thereclast nfitj but didn’t poo until we took him out in the morning. Any advice is much appreciated as were first time dog owners! Thanks!!! :)
- A: You cannot respond to his crying, any response will encourage more crying. It usually only last about 3-5 days.