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Potty Training
February 1, 2016, 11:52 AM- Q: Hi. Thanks for speaking with me a few weeks back. We were able to figure out the correct way to put the clips on so that Murphy can no longer take them up. He's been in his palace for about 3/4 weeks now and is much more accustomed to it. This past weekend, I tried building him out a small play area. I put pads on one side and toys on the other. I made sure his palace door was open so he could access his food, water and his potty area. He did well at going into the palace to pee when I instructed him to "go potty", however when I left him alone he peed on the floor of the pen area. I pointed him to the spot and reprimanded him. I then took the pen down and put him back in the palace. I often tell him to go potty and he will go because he knows that this typically means that I'm about to let him out to play. I'm a little confused on why he would only go inside if I direct him, but would pee on the floor of the pen when alone. Any thoughts/advise? Am I confusing him by directing him to "go potty" versus waiting for it to happen naturally then taking him out?
- A: There are several factors at play here. I am not sure how large his added area is but it could be that it is too big for starting out. The key to success of Phase iI is having him stay in sight and with quick access back to the pad. You might try reducing the size. Your instructions to "go potty" rate not likely the problem as long as he remains in the palace unti8l he accomplished the goal. Try these adjustments and let me know.